Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Court Dates, Christmas Parties and Black Jack at Higbee's

Court Dates
                It was her day in court. It was suppose to be his too, but somehow his was being dismissed before it came before a judge, so he was still comfortably dressed and sitting at the funeral home while she was in a suite and wandering around on Public Square with her parents. Butterflies danced in her stomach and she wished nothing more than for the nightmare of her car accident to be behind her so she could attempt to move forward with her life. Finally, the time had come. Walking into the court room, she sighed, as she listened to the other cases presented before hers. So far, so good. Nobody was arrested. Most plead No Contest and got to walk out with fines and court costs. Finally, her name was called and she approached the podium. Saying good morning to the magistrate, she stated her name for the record and listened to the charges against her be read. This was it. She was ready to follow most of the others and plea No Contest, but before she chance to say anything, the magistrate stopped her.

                “You must plea not guilty. Get yourself an attorney. That doesn't mean that this is bad, but it requires an attorney. Step into the hall, and you’ll get the paper regarding your court date.”

All life drained out of her. What was going on? Not guilty? Get an attorney? She felt her life spinning out of control like her car was the night of the accident. She didn't know what to do. Tears danced in her eyes. She couldn't believe it.
                “How did court go?” she was asked, as she stepped into her office about a half hour after she got out of court. Ignoring the questions, she went over to the Rolodex and pulled out the card for the attorney. Dialing his numbers, she left messages everywhere she could think of, he hanging up the phone and fighting back her tears. By now, everyone had gathered around her.

                “How did court go?” he asked her, as she shook her head, fighting back the tears she knew were about to be shed at any moment.

                “I need an attorney.” She finally whispered, as he looked at her. “I can’t afford one, but I need one so I’m calling Dave because I don’t know who else to call.” She added, as he looked at her.

                “I can see that, but why do you need an attorney?” he asked her gently, as the tears silently began to fall.

“I don’t know. I was told to get an attorney.” She replied, as he looked at everyone else around them, none of it making any sense to them whatsoever. “But I’m okay now. I need to work.” She stated, but deep down, she figured that he knew she was in no condition to work. Why he allowed her to stay, she wasn't sure, but she certainly didn't do much work.
Christmas Parties
                It was nearing four o’clock when he steeped into the office. “Did you still plan on going with us this evening?” he questioned her, as she shook her head.
                “I’d like to yes.” She replied as she smiled.

                “I put some fresh towels in the bathroom if you guys need to clean up.” He said, as he looked over at his cousin who nodded his head.

                “I’m good. But she might like a shower just to help relax from this morning.” He suggested, as she looked back at her boss, who nodded his head.

                “I think I would like that if you don’t mind.” She replied as she headed for the bathroom. Turning on the water, she let it run as she got her dress and heels ready to change into.
                Pulling her wrap tighter around her, she sighed as she sipped at her martini and watched her boss at a distance interact with the other funeral directors in the group. Lost in her own mind, she didn't notice when he cousin stepped up along side of her.
                “How are you holding up?” he questioned her gently, as she shook her head, trying to avoid any tears that may not have been cried out earlier that day.

                “I’m okay.” She replied. “Scared. Dave said I’m looking at possible jail time.” She admitted as he smiled.

                “That won’t happen. I won’t let it happen.” He tried to assure her, as her eyes continued to follow her boss. Taking a deep, long, rich sip of her drink, she sighed.

                “If it does, will I still have a job at the funeral home?” she questioned, scared to find out the answer. Looking at her, he frowned slightly.

                “I can’t answer that as I don’t sign your checks, but I can’t imagine him letting you go, that’s for sure.” He answered, before adding “Why don’t you ask him.” Shaking her head, she looked up at him and sighed again.

                “Okay.” She answered, before she slowly made her way over to her boss. Coming up along side of him, he smiled at her. She looked stunning that evening and a part of him was glad to show her off.

                “So, how’s you’re martini?” he asked her, as she smiled lightly.

                “It’s fine, thank you. I need to ask you something, and now that I have enough liquid courage in me, I think I can ask it.” She said, as he turned and looked at her, surprised by her comment.

                “Go ahead.”

                “If I go to jail over the accident, will I still have a job to come back to?” she asked, and looking up at her, he could tell she was deadpan serious. Placing his hand gently on hers, he smiled.

                “It was an accident. You’ll always have a job at the funeral home. Please, stop worrying about it and enjoy yourself tonight.” He replied, as they were called for dinner. Taking her arm, he led them into the dining room for dinner.
Black Jack at Higbee’s

                Walking onto the second floor of the casino, she smiled as she listened to her escorts discuss what use to be where when the casino use to be a popular downtown department store. It was exciting and she reveled in the fact that his first trip down to the casino was with her. Wandering the floor, they soon came to the blackjack tables. She knew he was good at it, and with very little coxing, she got him to final buy in so he could teach her. Standing along side of him, her shawl draped low on her arms, she watched in amazement as he played and won. As the chips started to pile up in front of him, she smiled and stepped back to talk to his cousin.

                “He’s really good at the game. He must have at least seventy five dollars in front of him.” She stated gleefully, glad that he was enjoying himself and not worrying about work.

                “Well he should be. He’s had enough experience at it with the church.” Was his cousin’s reply as she slipped her phone out of her purse and snapped a picture or two. It was the most laid back and relaxed she had seen him in a while.
Stepping back over to the table, she smiled at him.

                “How are you doing?” she questioned, as he laughed.

                “Average.” He replied, as she noticed that he had lost some of the chips in front of him that moments earlier he had had. Looking at her watch, he smiled. “But it’s getting late and we have funerals in the morning, so I’m cashing out.” He said, as he collected his chips and they left.
                Getting home, about an hour later, she sighed, as she let down her hair and hung her dress up on her bedroom door, her phone signaled a text message. Pulling them up, she smiled.
Thanks for a lovely evening.

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