Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Christmas Dreams and Driving Thank Yous

It was late, but yet, there they sat, the boss and his young assistant folding and stuffing envelopes for the funeral home’s annual Tree of Remembrance ceremony they were once again holding. As they folded, hundreds of envelopes surrounding them, they laughed and talked and tried to make it as fun as they possible could.

                “Oh, I loved this song when I was little.” He said happily as his favorite Christmas song came on the radio. “I use to play this over and over as a child. Use to drive my father crazy!” He added, as she smiled. She loved it when he shared memories like that with her.

                “My sister had a hard time pronouncing the words when she was little. She learned to talk right around the time my brother had broken his two front teeth and was learning to talk without them. Unfortunately, she learned to talk like she didn't have front teeth either.” She said, as she handed him another stack of stuffed envelops for sorting.

                “So what about you? Don’t you have a favorite Christmas song?” he asked, as she smiled at him over the stacks.

                “Anything by TSO is fine with me. But they have this one Christmas song I like, Wizards In Winter. It’s one of the ones they tend to play a lot on the radio.” She said. “They’ll play it at the concert next month.” She added quickly, as he smiled.

                “Not to change the subject, but have you driven yet?” he questioned her, as she cringed. Driving? There was no way she was ever going to drive again if she could avoid it.

                “No I haven’t. Haven’t had the time or a reason to drive.” She stated plainly as she stuffed a few more envelopes. “Why do you ask?”

                “Because you need to start driving. It’s like that old saying, fall of the horse, get back up and ride. If you don’t, you won’t.” he stated as he looked over at her and gave her a slight grin.

                “We’ll see.” She replied, as she stood up and poured herself more to drink before sitting back down, as a commercial came on the radio regarding Christmas shopping. “How are you on your Christmas shopping?” she quickly asked, changing the subject before he could say any more about her driving.

                “Nope. Haven’t had time between funerals and getting stuff ready for tree. It’s been crazy.” He answered. “I’m one of those last minute shoppers. The one year, I was actually sliding under the gates at Victoria Secret to buy her a present.” He said, as the memory brought a chuckle to his face.

                “Oh? You’re first Christmas I’m guessing?” she asked, as he continued to smile.
                “Our very first one yes. We weren't even married yet.” He said, as he saw her eyes get wide.

                “You’re very first Christmas together, not even married and you bought her Victoria Secret? Sounds like you were living dangerously.” She said, surprised at this side of her boss that she never thought she would ever see.

                “Yup. I bought her a satin nightgown and a bottle of perfume. I was living dangerously back then. Her parents were horrified that I bought it for her. Not the perfume, they were okay with that. But the nightgown certainly raised a few eyebrows.” He said with a giggle.

                “Did she like it?” was the next question asked, as she continued to look at him with a certain look of surprise on her face.

                “She never said she didn’t so I guess so.” He replied, as he went back to working on the envelopes. As she went back to stuffing the envelopes, her curiosity got the better of her.

                “Chanel No. 5?” she questioned, as he looked up at her.

                “I’m sorry?”

                “Was it Chanel No. 5? The perfume you bought her that night?” she asked once again, as he began to think back to that night, trying to remember.

                “Yes, I believe it might have been Chanel No. 5.” He said, as in silence they went back to finishing the job at hand.
                Coming into the living room a few hours later, after having dinner at their usual hang out, he sighed, as he slipped off his coat and went into the living room to sit down. Pulling out his phone to put it on charge, it chimed in his hand. Clicking on the text message box, he smiled at the simple two words staring up at him:
Thank you
Pulling up his keyboard he quickly typed his reply:
You are more than welcome
Leaning back in his chair, he sighed. The message meant more to him then he could have ever imagined it would. He had gotten her to drive, her first time, since the accident the week before and while she was terrified, he couldn't help but smile at how grateful she was that he had done that. He knew in time, she would be just fine. 

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